

Gordon Hindess

I'm Gordon, or dad, in the context of the family. It may be the unfamiliar medium, but presenting myself this way does not come easily. Who is likely to visit this site and what will they be seeking?

Liz and I live in Rhiwbina, Cardiff, our home since 1977.

I took early retirement from Welsh Water in 1998, with the general intention of working less and playing more. I have not been wholly successful in achieving the first part of this plan, as I am currently employed by MWH, where my knowledge and experience of sewerage is in surprising demand - not least by Welsh Water! If you are interested in my professional situation, you can read my CV.

Walking features strongly in my life. Since leaving Welsh Water, I have acted as a walks leader for HF Holidays for about six weeks a year, at a variety of hotels around England and Wales. During the rest of the year, much of my rambling is local to home - there is a largely undiscovered wealth of excellent walking in south-east Wales. Walking compliments interest in industrial archaeology, geology, and natural history generally and I have endeavoured to convey my enjoyment of all of these with two books in the Family Walks series. Fitting fairly naturally into these hobbies, I have recently started reporting seasonal events in the natural world for the Woodland Trust Phenology Network.

It can be difficult to find time for other interests, but I also enjoy photography, music, reading, sport (as a spectator) and puzzles and games. Despite natural Luddite tendencies, I also claim to be semi-literate in the world of computers - a facility that is beneficial to all other interests.

That's a very simplistic view of me - but I flatter myself that my character is much more complex and my interests more diverse than this might suggest.

These pages are maintained by Gordon Hindess and © 2002 Gordon Hindess. Any suggestions or comments welcome.

Last modified: 2002-02-17 12:58:29