Mark Richard Hindess

mark @ hindess co uk


Systems and network administrator with a formal background in computer science and mathematics. Five years of professional experience as a systems administrator and one years as an embedded systems software engineer. Detailed knowledge of systems and network security.

Operating Systems Solaris, Linux, OpenBSD, Irix, AIX, FreeBSD and pSOS
Languages & Tools Perl, C, C++, Java, Tcl/tk, expect, assembler (several variants), LISP (several variants), git, Subversion, CVS, RCS, make, sed, awk
Applications Apache httpd (with mod_ssl, mod_php and mod_perl), squid, exim, qmail, sendmail, samba, NIS+, kerberos, snort


M.Sc. Symbolic Computation September 1994 - August 1995
University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath
B.Sc. Computer Software Technology, Upper Second Class. October 1991 - June 1994
University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath
A Levels in Computer Science, Mathematics (Mechanics), Physics and Chemistry. S Level in Computer Science. September 1984 - June 1991
Bishop of Llandaff Church-in-Wales High School, Llandaff, Cardiff


Software Engineer June 2001 - present
IBM, Hursley
  • Working for the Java Technology Centre
  • Worked on Apache Harmony project became committer and Apache Member.
  • Systems administration for the development environment, including subversion, CVS, Apache httpd, Apache Tomcat, Hudson CI.
Software Engineer March 2000 - May 2001
Marconi Communications, Wallisdown Road, Poole
  • Developed ATM networking code in C and PowerPC assembly language for the pSOS operating system. The development environment uses Solaris and NT.
  • Systems administration for the Solaris development environment, including performance monitoring, the CVS revision control system, user administration (NIS+), samba and apache.
  • Due to my experience with Linux, I am providing significant guidance to a project group beginning development using Linux for an embedded system.
Senior Computer Officer September 1996 - February 2000
Computing Services, University of Bath
  • Team leader for the "Systems Group"
  • Systems administration of Solaris, Linux, Irix and OpenBSD servers.
  • Authentication services, using kerberos4 and kerberos5, for several thousand users.
  • Mail services using exim, qmail, MMDF-II, PP, Cyrus and sendmail.
  • Web services using Apache httpd (with mod_ssl, mod_php, mod_perl and zope) and boa.
  • Proxy and web caching services using socks5, TIS firewall toolkit, and squid.
  • Local area network of Fore ATM equipment and 3Com switches.
  • Wide area network of Cisco ATM equipment including maintaining Cisco access lists for the main campus firewall router.
  • Network intrusion detection using snort and argus.
  • I was able to significantly improve the stability of the services by developing tools (using Perl, C, expect, tcl/tk, Perl/tk, RCS and make) for pro-active monitoring of services.
  • I had a keen interest in security and was frequently called upon to assist other departments in dealing with security incidents and in recommending improvements to security procedures.
  • I was contacted for advice by colleagues at other universities, by companies, and by the police.
  • I was invited to speak at a JANET Security Workshop.
  • I was a member of a steering group for several JANET security-related projects.
  • I had a major rôle in several large projects including the connection to the Bristol and West of England Metropolitan Area Network (BWEMAN) and the design and implementation of the networking and systems (Linux) infrastructure for the University of Swindon and Wiltshire Project.
Part-time Computing Support Assistant October 1995 - August 1996
School of Mathematics, University of Bath
  • Systems administration for servers running Solaris, Irix, AIX, and HP/UX.
  • Development of scripts using m4 and Perl.
  • Help desk system using MMDF and MH mail system.
Part-time Computing Support Assistant June 1995 - November 1995
Computing Services, University of Bath
  • Dealing directly with users solving their problems with application on Unix and Windows platforms.
Part-time Teaching Assistant October 1994 - December 1995
School of Mathematics, University of Bath
  • Teaching 68000 assembly language to undergraduate students.
Computer Programmer June 1994 - September 1994
Intera Information Technology Henley-on-Thames
  • Designing and implementing classes to support graph drawing using C++ under Windows.


My time as a student provided me with an excellent opportunity to become familiar with Unix (particularly Linux, OpenBSD, SunOS and Solaris). While I was taught a number of languages (such as C, C++, PROLOG, LISP variants, and Assembler), I found it natural to take advantage of Unix tools such as make, RCS, CVS, sed, awk, Perl, tcl/tk, expect, etc.

While working as a Computer Officer at the University of Bath, my main areas of responsibility initially included mail services, web services, DNS services, and general administration of several Unix servers. These servers were used by several thousand active users, with differing requirements. I enjoyed the challenge of trying to meet them. I quickly proposed and subsequently implemented a number of significant improvements to the services for which I was responsible.

I took a keen interest in a number of additional areas and quickly took on responsibility for networking, including extending the campus ATM network (using Fore ATM equipment). I took a particular interest in security, of both networks and systems.


Details of referees are available on request.